Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: 2019 plants from the pink palette
Last week I shared some lovey blue flowers for your gardens, today will pique your pink palette with new plants from Proven Winners…
It’s another Baptisia in the Decadence series, this one is ‘Pink Lemonade’ and it’s delicious! Growing in full to part sun up to 4 feet tall, Soft yellow flowers appear atop deep blue-green foliage in spring.

The flowers age to dusty raspberry purply pink, showing both colors at the same time. It’s long lived and drought tolerant once established and is hardy to zone 4a.
Up next, an old garden favorite made new. Spirea ‘Double Play doozie’. This spirea is seedless which means that all its energy goes to it’s blooms!

The show begins in early spring, when the foliage emerges a deep red.
By late spring, the flowers begin to pop, a bright, glowing purple-red. As summer comes on, the show doesn’t stop: it just keeps flowering, and flowering, and flowering. According to Proven Winners, this little shrub, growing at most, 36 inches tall and wide, does it all with the same good looks, drought tolerance, and deer resistance that you expect from spirea.
And one more new pink offering is an annual that is one of my absolute favorites for containers. It’s an osteospermum or African Daisy called ‘Bright Lights Pink’.

Heat tolerant plants grow to 12 inches with large pink daisy flowers. The mounded plants really hold the flowers up well and there’s no deadheading!! This darling blooms from planting to hard frost! Bright Lights does NOT like wet feet so let the soil dry out!