Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: A peek at 2022 plants
As we move into our holiday season still dealing with pandemic issues, I wanted to look forward and share some plants that will be offered up in 2022! Wahoo!

A new Astilbe called ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ has bronzy leaves that carry purple flowers in shade. It grows to 16 inches tall with the scape, or flowers if you will, growing above to 24 inches and the spread of the plant about 2 ft.

There’s a new bush clematis called ‘Stand By Me Lavender’. The 3 inch flowers hang down in a lovely shade of lavender. It’s height is nearly 3 ½ ft with a 2 ft. spread and it’s hardy to zone 3.

And the new hibiscus…. Oh my! Called ‘Edge of Night’, this zone 4 hardy hibiscus has leaves that are nearly black with 7-8” bubblegum pink flowers with darker veining. It grows up to 3 ½ ft tall with a 4 ½ ft. spread.
Remember hibiscus are VERY slow to start in the Spring but once they get going, boom, it’s Summerific!
And there are 3 new, robust landscape Hostas perfect for adding dramatic texture to shade gardens with the bonus of thick leaves that are resistant to slug damage. I love the name of this one, ‘Hope Springs Eternal’. It is a large blue Hosta with crisp, creamy white margins and wavy edges to the leaf. While the height is about 22 inches, the spread is a phenomenal 47 inches!

The other 2 new hosta introductions I mentioned on my radio show/podcast are the plant at the top of my page ‘Miss America’... Large, variegated Hosta with
bright white centers
• Incredible vigor for a Hosta with white leaf centers
• Upright mound with very tall flower scapes; large outward facing lavender flowers
• AHS Size Classification: Large
• Height: 19”
• Scape: 55-61”
• Width: 55”
• Zones: 3-9

There is no more information on the above hosta except that you can tell it’s large and very slug resistant due to the thick leaves.
Here’s a look from Proven Winners at more new perennial introductions for 2022!