Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Adaptive gardening 2022
I had hip replacement surgery in October of 2021. I highly recommend it! The gardening season last year was quite painful. But I’m back, only in a slightly different way. I use some of the Adaptive gardening methods I point out today.
Gardeners don’t retire, we adapt!
I’ve talked before on enabling gardens, today is about adapting our way of gardening to match our abilities as we get older, since what we could do yesterday seems to make our bones creak today or we just don’t want to injure ourselves if there’s an easier way. That reminds me of a saying my dad used often, “work smarter, not harder”!

Gardening is therapeutic in so many ways and it becomes even more so as we age.
- My first priority now is to stretch before I go out and start weeding or planting or whatever activity I’m going to do. Getting the kinks out really makes a difference.
- Knee pads and wheeled seats can be your friend too. I use the kind that doesn’t dig into the back of my knees!

- Raised beds are the bomb for many. Check out my Garden Bite from August 18th.
- Stay hydrated! It is amazing what a difference that makes. I’m talking water, not a cold beer… that’s for later!
- Take plenty of breaks, not everything has to be done right away. Gaze over your work for a bit or just hang out in the shade.
- Dress comfortably, wear sunscreen and a hat. Full disclosure, I do just one of those things!
- Lightweight, ergonomic tools and tools that make life easier. You can replace wooden handled shovels, rakes and hoes with fiberglass handles and light weight metal blades.
- If your hands are less bendable, wrap some foam around those tools. I hear swimming noodles work great!
PS, I’m back on my motorcycle too!! YAY