Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Amaryllis bulbs
Audio PlayerWhere I work, the amaryllis bulbs have been out for a while, and there’s a NEW type I’d never seen before. It’s covered in decorative wax with no watering necessary. PS, those waxed bulbs do not rebloom.

Amaryllis are synonymous with the holidays as we watch their growth and those incredible blooms!

Bulbs take 4 to 6 weeks from planting to bloom, depending on how much sun and warmth they get in their location, writes Eric Johnson in Northern Gardener magazine.

Amaryllis like cylindrical containers that allow an inch or so of soil between the bulb and the container walls. They need at least an 1 ½ beneath the bulb for roots. Except for those new fangled waxed amaryllis, you need to allow for drainage when planting. Plant with the top 3rd of the bulb showing.
OH my, I looked up some new beauties for 2021. I peeked at a company out of Florida and just have to share some of these with you. ‘Gervase’ is a color explosion of pink with deep red streaking and bright cherry anthers!

‘Double King’ is delightfully double the flaming red petals with a few white streaks to catch your eye.

‘Karoo’ is a full velvety red.

The blooms themselves last 3 to 7 days.
After blooming, you can keep those bulbs and force them to bloom next year. Eric Johnson explains:
- Three months before you want it to rebloom, move the amaryllis to a cool, dark location for a month.
- Do not water and allow the leaves to die.
- After the first month, take the bulb out of it’s pot, remove the dried leaves and roots and store it in the crisper draw of your fridge for 2 months.
- Do not store it with your fruits and vegetables. They release gasses that affect the bloom.
- Four to 6 weeks before bloom time, take the bulb out of the fridge, pot it up in new soil and wait for the new blooms!