Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: April is a fickle month
Audio PlayerApril is fickle in the Upper Midwest. From sandals to Sorels, ya never know what we’re gonna get.

So what’s a gardener to do? Check the weather! I’m optimistic that this is the week we turn the corner! The projected forecast for my area is finally looking at lows above freezing and highs closer to 60!
Your perennials and hardy spring bulbs that are peeking out don’t need extra protection—they can take whatever nature hands out—but any early annuals will need a cover or a quick trip inside if the temps drop. The photo below is from Fall. You could pull your container plants into your garage, home or even moving them close to your home may be enough.

The same goes for any cool season vegetables you may have put out. Hoop houses, cold frames and other protection are a good idea for vegetables that are set out in April.

TRY not to clean up your perennial beds until temps have been in the 50’s for several days. That’s to help out the pollinators that overwintered inside those dead perennials.

The University of Minnesota recommends applying preemergent crab grass control in mid-April, if you choose to do that. Fertilizing is only needed in August. Don’t mow your grass until late April at the earliest. Let it green up and the ground firm up before mowing.
One thing you CAN do now is Turn your compost. When the compost pile thaws out, give it a turn and collect the good compost to spread on plant beds and in the vegetable garden.

Don’t spread any mulch yet — let the ground warm up fully before adding mulch.
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