Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Bitter blast of Winter and our plants
Wow, the week of Christmas provided some wicked weather throughout the country.

Mother Nature rules and that’s something to always remember as we plan our gardens while we’re hunkered down in our homes. That heavy snow that came first in my area was really hard to shovel and very difficult on our trees. I talked about whether to knock if off your plants in a previous Garden Bite. (PS, I can’t find the password to my Garden Bite youtube channel so this is my personal one…)
The powdery snow in those arctic temperatures created some major drifting, another thing to keep in mind when selecting trees and where to plant them. I just had to add the photo below! HOLY COW

Snow cover is very important in our cold climates. That layer of moisture helps our plants tremendously. It’s an insulation in the cold of winter and a wonderful refreshing drink in spring.
Unless it all happens at once!

If you have damage to your trees, when it’s safe, you can prune out any broken branches. Just make sure your blade is sharp and cut at an angle.

Just prune out the damaged branches, wait to prune for shaping until late winter, February or March. 2023 has started with me thinking about starting seeds indoors this year.
I received a bunch of seeds from All America Selections that has me really excited. I received 2 kinds of pelleted seeds. They’re normal plant seeds that have been coated to give them a round, smooth, uniform shape and size.

Developed mainly for commercial growers to make it less likely for them to jam a mechanical seeder, they’re also helpful to the home gardener because they are easy to see and handle, especially when compared with the “naked” version of tiny seeds like tomatoes and lettuce. Take a peek at these new plants: coleus and begonia.