Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Companion plants to Summerific hibiscus
Yesterday I talked about the new Summerific hibiscus. Yowza!

Today I’ve got plants suggested to go with your new hibiscus from Proven Winners. One idea they have is to plant sweet potato vine as a groundcover! It’s really pretty. ‘Sweet Caroline Kiwi’ has the perfect chartreuse color to really show off those hibiscus.

Sweet Caroline will trail to 30 inches and would look gorgeous with ‘Evening Rose’ hibiscus.
‘Snow Princess’ sweet alyssum, another annual for those of us in the north, is also a beautiful ground cover for any of the Summerific hibiscus. It grows up to about 10 inches while trailing about 2 to 3 feet. The sweet smell of those little white blooms lasts all summer.

A perennial for your perusal is the ‘Going Bananas’ daylily. Their strappy foliage contrasts nicely with the broad leaves of hibiscus, adding interest to the design even when the plants aren’t in bloom.

‘Going Bananas’ is a prolific bloomer, flowering in waves from early summer to frost. Count on seeing its lemon yellow flowers at the same time your Summerific hibiscus is in bloom. The plants top out at 22 inches tall with a 2 ft. spread. It attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds AND it’s rabbit resistant! BONUS!