Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Crocus, hyacinth and iris too
Tulips and daffodils are lovely but oh, there’s so many other bulbs to plant! From early blooming Crocus to fragrant Hyacinths and later-blooming Alliums which keep the color coming until summer’s perennials start to flower.

I love the look of Spring lawns dotted with naturalized bulbs. Before the mowing season, there are some little delights. An early Spring crocus includes ‘BluePearl’ . White Flower Farm says the blue is pale and opalescent, giving way to pure white at the edges. It grows 2 to 4 inches tall.

It’s subtle beauty would look gorgeous with ‘Sky of blue’ Iris – which grows to 15 inches. Irises aren’t much for naturalizing but throw some sky of blue in with these crocuses for some extra pop in areas you won’t be mowing.

Of course, what sets off blue? It’s complementary color of yellow. Toss in some ‘E.P. Bowles’ – a 4 to 6 inch crocus in very early Spring!

Toss it up with some anemones. There are many varieties of anemones and not all of them like our coldest zones, however you’ll find some the dig up to zone 4. Bluestone Perennials offers their ‘Blanda Mix’, it’s white and purple daisy-like flowers on 5 inch stems.

For fragrance, go for Hyacinth aka Muscari. Hyacinth range from white to varying shades of blue and pink. There’s also a creamy yellow from Longfield Gardens.

Most grow up to around 10 inches tall. Alliums are fabulous late Spring bloomers. Colors range between white and bluish purple. Their heights vary and so do the style of flowers. Yes, they are globes but check out some of the variations
Here’s a link to 10 Spring Bulb questions by P.Allen Smith. He answered the questions you’ve asked!