Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Earth Day 2023
Tomorrow is Earth day. During the pandemic we saw what our industry has done to the planet. We’ve noted how climate change has, literally, changed our climate zone map and we’re seeing a lot of native species become extinct. More on global warming from NOAA.
However, I want us to focus on how beautiful Earth is and celebrate it. As Van Gogh said “if you truly love nature you’ll see beauty everywhere”. It’s true, even the so-called weeds can be pretty amazing. One invasive I love at this time of year is the Siberian Squill.

It may be on Minnesota’s eradicate list, but I love it. And that ship sailed in terms of stopping them. Seeing weeds force their way out of pavement can be annoying or be awed that you can’t see an ounce of soil but those weeds don’t give up, life doesn’t give up!

Think of the life that lives in our soil, allows us to grow our own food, feeds the trees that offer us shelter, warmth and some really tasty maple syrup, as well as a myriad of mouthwatering fruits and nuts!

The flowers that bring a delightful scent to our gardens while also attracting beneficial bugs to help our veggie gardens produce.

Gardening is a great physical activity as well as a release for the mind.

Today, more than ever, the garden brings a calm amidst our worldly chaos. I get peaceful out there digging around, it lifts my spirits.
Check locally to see what your town is doing to celebrate. I know where I live there are workshops, an outdoor market and plenty of earth friendly exhibits to check out. Celebrate our beautiful Earth!