Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Earth Day
Today is Earth day.
And maybe now more than ever, we see what human industry has done to our beautiful planet as we see skies clear over once smog-filled cities and wildlife return [albeit a little TOO much in some areas!] as we Shelter In Place.
I don’t want to start a fight here, I just want to point out that, perhaps we could do better at taking care of the things we love.
It would appear this pandemic has been a boon for planet Earth. A sobering thought to ponder when we get back to “normal”.
What we DO have today is a day to celebrate this amazing planet. As Van Gogh said “if you truly love nature you’ll see beauty everywhere”.

Siberian squill is considered invasive in Minnesota while Wisconsin invites it! I love it. It does spread easily and inhabits our “pristine” garden beds… but it doesn’t last long and doesn’t seem to hurt my other plants. Anyway, if you DO want to get rid of it, it will take a while. Pinch off the flowers so they don’t set seed. That’s how it spreads.
I so appreciate the life that lives in our soil, allows us to grow our own food, feeds the trees that offer us shelter, warmth and some really tasty maple syrup, as well as a myriad of mouthwatering fruits and nuts!

The flowers that bring a delightful scent to our gardens while also attracting beneficial bugs to help our veggie gardens produce.

Gardening is a great physical activity as well as a release for the mind.
Today, more than ever, the garden brings a calm amidst our worldly chaos. I get peaceful out there digging around, it lifts my spirits.
I wonder if our ancestors thought much about the body, mind, spirit connection when they were gardening. They most likely didn’t have time to, but I’ll bet they felt it. Celebrate today our beautiful Earth.