Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Eco-friendly furniture
Can you believe it’s the start of Labor Day weekend?! Wow. Sept. 6th, 2021. There’s still plenty of time though, to spend outdoors.

As more and more, we consider our impact on our planet, have you ever considered Eco-friendly furniture? When I had my television show, Dig In Minnesota, I had the opportunity to find out more about a company that uses plastic bottles to create sustainable furniture. Breezesta.

There are many more sustainable outdoor furniture brands now:
- Polywood
- Highwood
- DUROGreen
- Trex
- Breezesta
- Seaside Casual
- Berlin Gardens
This is NOT an endorsement of one company over another. Many stores carry various brands.

Polywood aka environwood and any recycled furniture is heavy enough not to blow around but not so heavy you can’t easily move it.

It’s also easy to care for and can be left out in all kinds of weather, including winter! The color runs all the way through the “lumber” meaning that it won’t fade. Generally there’s a 20 to 25 year warranty. Check with the manufacturer. The edges are rounded too so you won’t get poked in the behind by a protruding part.

These photos are just a FEW options. There are MUCH more!! Below is the episode of DigIn Minnesota from 2013 I did at Paddy O’Furniture…
And just for kicks… this is the blooper reel that includes Paddy O’Furniture!