Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Edible weeds
Audio PlayerThe last couple of days I’ve teased you with some gorgeous plants to think about. Today, it’s about eating your yard! While I have called some of my gardening peeps, Weekend Weed Warriors, perhaps a better moniker might be, the lazy gardeners veggie garden!

Plantain is edible and, according to Edible Wild Food, has many health benefits! Clover makes a great tea!
Dandelions are well known edibles. Every part of the dandelion is edible from spring to fall. The leaves are best when picked in spring before they become bitter. The flowers can be made into wine and the taproot can be eaten like a root vegetable.

Purslane leaves and stems are a nice addition to salads, you can also steam them or add them to soups and stews. Once again you need to know what plant you’re eating. Please don’t randomly munch on things in your yard unless you’re certain of what you’re eating!

Spurge sometimes grows near purslane, and that’s one weed you don’t want to eat.

Then there’s burdock, a plant that at first glance looks like rhubarb. It is not, however, you can eat it’s deep, beige, thick taproot like a potato. The leaves are not very tasty. The root is said to have a lot of nutritional value. Recipes from Eatweeds
Wildman Steve Brill has a LOT of weeds and recipes!

Lamb’s quarter is a relative to spinach and beets. The leaves are loaded with beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and iron.