Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Epiphany and what to do with your Christmas tree
Today is the official last day of the twelve days of Christmas. It’s the Epiphany, the time when Christians around the world remember the three Wise Men.
There are various celebrations around the world including Mexico where they bake a baby Jesus inside a cake and whoever gets that piece is the godparent of Jesus for the year.
In Spain it’s more elaborate with the “Three Kings” delivering gifts to children. In Ireland it’s called “Womens Christmas” and the men do all the housekeeping and cooking. Across Italy, it’s the good broomstick-riding witch Befana who visits children on Epiphany, bringing sweets and presents.
There are various celebrations and traditions around the world. MANY of the traditions include jumping into freezing water. (I’ll pass on that one!)
Other sources to check out:
For many it means packing away the Christmas decorations, lovingly putting those precious bulbs away while dragging the real tree to the curb.

However, there are some other options. Consider leaving the tree in its stand and in your yard for the rest of winter. It could fill a void in the yard while providing shelter for birds. Check out this link on recycling your tree from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
You could also lay it down on it’s side for mammals to snuggle under. NOTE: 2022, I just heard some municipalities don’t like it when you do that as they fear drawing in certain critters such as raccoons, fox, etc., might not be such a great idea. Your call!
Another thought is to lop off the branches and use them as mulch, especially if you have newly planted perennials. Consider creating a new compost pile with a layer of thin branches as the base, this allows a bit of airflow at the bottom of the pile, a good idea. The branches will break down eventually but it does depend on their size! Stack the branches about 4 to 6 inches high.
You could also cut up the thinner branches and pile them on mulched paths. Check out for info!
Most municipalities who have garbage service will pick up your Christmas tree but you must make sure that all the decorations are out! Check with your City!