Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Fresh From the Garden – myth busting
Years ago, I had a chance to interview John Whitman, he’s the author of a vegetable gardening tome called “Fresh from the Garden – an organic guide to growing vegetables, berries and herbs in Cold Climates”.
It is packed with information on vegetables I grow and those I’ve never even heard of!
He also shares garden myths:
- Some people are born with a green thumb! He says, nope. Good gardening comes from hard work aka(patience), knowledge such as logic and know-how and a love of gardening. It gives you joy!
- There’s only one expert’s way to do something, for example, mixed messages on tilling!! John told me that it depends on your soil. Ideally you’d never have to as it does break down the structure, however, there are times when you need to till. If you have compacted clay soil, if you’re starting a new garden. I have raised beds so my soil doesn’t compact. The best method is the one that works for YOU.
- You’re in control of your garden. Nope, you can help your garden grow but there are many other factors at play, in particular, the weather.

He says growing a garden is science and art and it’s full of surprises, which is part of the fun.
Patience is a gardener’s friend. That’s not a myth, that’s a reality. Especially when first planting. Cut yourself some slack if your garden isn’t looking like the one in the magazine right away.

Check out this book, “Fresh From the Garden” as John shares a TON of information on gardening and 1700 varieties of plants!