Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Garden magic
Just over a year later, we continue to deal with the COVID pandemic, our desire to get outside continues too.

Remembering how much beauty we have in nature, the joy in getting our hands in the soil, seeding our gardens, gives us relief from our thoughts and struggles.
Gardens feed our bodies but, for me, they also deeply feed my soul. So now more than ever, the magic of our gardens continues to lift our Spirits.

Whether our climate allows us to do much outside or not, the planning, the dreaming, the scheming can fill us as we continue social distancing and mask wearing.
The exchanging of phone calls or skyping with our family and friends about our plans for the garden, our excitement at getting out there and planting, the knowledge that, in the midst of this, communities continue to pull together, neighbors call across the street, asking how each other are doing.
There is scientific proof of what being outdoors and even simply seeing flowers does to our psyche. Instead of drifting off in a maze of social media madness, what say you gaze at images of your gardens, or the plants you’d like to try, the seeds you’ll plant, the bounty you’ll harvest and take a deep breath.
Even the smell of soil can lift us up. Isn’t that wild!?

We are in Spring now and some of the lilacs have budded out here in the Upper Midwest. Some folks have spotted early crocus and squill poking through.

The frost depth is working it’s way out! Remember, the garden is no place to stress for success but to soak up some sun and renew your spirit. The sun will rise, the stars will come out and rainbows will emerge after the rain.