Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Glad for gladiolas
The gladiolas are blooming and I’m thrilled.

I bought mine at a big box store after walking by and seeing this gorgeous purple and white beauty staring at me! Yes, it was an impulse buy and I’m so GLAD I did!!
My dad loved gladiolas, they have such an old-world, cottage charm. While they are in the Iris family, their multiple flowers blooming on what looks like a sword, differ in look at height.
For those of us in cold climates, we plant the corms in the Spring and wait for their beauty in late summer!

Glads or gladiolus come in a large variety of colors and heights from 2 to 5 ft. tall. The taller ones should be planted in the back of a perennial bed as they may require staking. Mine are about 21/2 to 3 ft tall and look so pretty with my Karl Forester reed grass!

Glads make for a gorgeous cutting flower, the blooms last for a long time. Longfield gardens
Growing glads from the Farmer’s Almanac – it’s pretty easy! Plant in sun, water and let them do their thing!
Information on how to dig and store gladiolus corms from A Green Hand.
‘Black Surprise’ is a 4 foot stunner with deep pink edges and a red center! Amazing.

For a sweet compliment, you could plant ‘Charming Beauty’ mini glad. This delight is a 2 footer with smaller soft pink flowers edged in a darker pink.

There are pastels and parrots, kings and jesters among the myriad of choices. Go to my website and take a peek at these beauties then do a little online search yourself. But be prepared to spend some time ogling the offerings!