Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Happy Autumnal Equinox Day
Happy Autumnal Equinox. Did you get my card? I’m truly surprised there aren’t cards for it considering I’ve seen happy nose job cards and various other parts! HA, I spoke too soon….
This is where a LOT of cards were, ps, this isn’t an endorsement but if you like cards, you may like these: greetingcarduniverse

Anyhoo, it’s the first day of Fall.

I love this time of year. Leaving the windows cracked open at night with that cool air making good sleeping weather, (unless it’s 85 degrees); that feeling of nesting as we bring our garden harvests in and freeze or can them for winter.

A friend of mine had some sweet plums! Apple Orchards are open and in full swing with tasty treats. ‘Sweetango’ has become my favorite. That link is to an actual website specifically for this apple! Great recipes in there too!

Take a drive and check out your local orchards. Many offer a whole lot more than just bags of apples.The pies, the tortes, the caramel apples, the petting zoos!
2019 has been a tough year for tomatoes, we started 2 weeks late and then it’s been a wet year with fluctuating temperatures. I tried 4 different varieties this year. Not the best year to judge them in my garden!

I’ve dried a bunch lately, I don’t want to lose them and the process brings out flavor.

Still, I’ve been able to roast a bunch, more that I’ve bought at the Farmers Market!

As you celebrate the autumnal equinox and begin your nesting routine, reflect on the season and think about the things that worked and those that didn’t so that you can plan for next year. Then kick back and enjoy the change of seasons yet again!

It’s a 50/50 shot on what THIS winter will be like but I’m sure we can all agree, we hope it’s better than last year! The amount of snow did mean lots more fun with outdoor sports! Let’s hope for a nice snow-pack before any real cold temperatures. That blanket of white is just that for our plants, keeping soil from heaving and lifting new plants right out of the ground.