Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Happy Thanksgiving
It’s Thanksgiving. While things have been opening up, we’re still in a pandemic. Many of you may be gathering and for that, I wish you a full house and a full belly.

For those of you who may not be, I wish you a full heart of gratitude for the blessings you have and those to come. Perhaps you’re gathering once again, around Zoom or FaceTime or Google Duo, I pray you see those you love eating all those foods that bring back the light and warmth of Thanksgivings past and FUTURE.

I’ve heard from many new gardeners these past 2 seasons. Some with a lot of triumphs, some, not so much! Ahh, that’s the gardener’s life! Enjoy your bounty wherever it came from!
There’s also been a boon on building new garden beds with perennials, ornamental grasses and native flowers to feed the birds!

Some berries may still be clinging to your Mountain Ash or Viburnums, harvest some of those branches and place them in your centerpiece.

But don’t eat them! Some of those berries are not only icky tasting but can be poisonous.

Mostly, today is a day to give thanks, even in these difficult times. Find gardenbite on social medial and send me your comments, questions and suggestions for future bites.
Share photos on my Facebook page of Your bounty! Our lives may continue to feel in flux, on hold or maybe there’s been illness. Reach out to each other, offer help if you can. If you need help, ask. God bless you all.