Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Happy Thanksgiving 2022
Happy Thanksgiving, may your house and your belly be full today.
As you belly up to the table, think about the herbs in the stuffing you could grow! Parsley and sage are two easy ones!
I generally grow rosemary and use that in LOTS of dishes, in particular when I’ve thrown chicken, pork or beef in the crock pot.

Oh, and those little red potatoes would be easy to grow.

Maybe you could ask for a grow bag for Christmas!
Throw some rosemary sprigs on those and roast them. You know my penchant for homemade pumpkin pie, this year I made pie with a pink pumpkin. It was delicious. The texture was thick, which I like. Of course I doubled the spices I put in. A half a teaspoon of anything is just NOT enough!
As for decorations, well, if you’ve grown ornamental grasses, then bring some into the house, add some red twigged dogwood, (I have some yellow-twigged) and some gnarly looking branches you found scattered in your yard, add some evergreen and tie some string and/or ribbon and you have a simple but elegant centerpiece.

We’re not Martha Stewarts, at least I’m not, but we can still create some fun stuff right out of our own backyards. You could spray paint those branches!
Mostly, today is a day to enjoy each other and each moment you have with one another, there won’t be another exactly like it. If you have an abundance, perhaps you could give to a local foodshelf. There’s much to be thankful for when we look for it.
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.
— Meister Eckhart (1260-1329) a German theologian, philosopher and mystic.