Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Mid-summer garden update 2018
The heat is on, lawns are a little crispy and we’re past harvesting of our cool season greens. Locally, Grism’s sweet corn stand is a twice weekly stop for me as I wait for my ‘American Dream’ corn from All America Selections! I planted a few seeds in a couple of containers. I’ve noticed the earwigs have been getting into the ears of corn. YUK. I do not like those squiggly things. I’m hand pulling them.

My zucchini was producing beautifully…
until it wasn’t! The squash vine borer took out 2 of my vines…
probably just as well, I think I might have gone overboard with the zoodles! And zucchini fritters!

Anyhoo, my ‘Sunsugar’ cherry tomatoes, that I’m trying for the first time, are a major hit. I’ll be planting those again. My husband picked a ‘Celebrity’ tomato but it really wasn’t that good. I’ve heard raves about this tomato but I don’t think it was ripe enough. I’m also still waiting for the All America Selection tomatoes I started so late. This is a determinate plant, ‘Red Racer F1’ .

I’ve been loving fresh basil and parsley in my salads and I’m drying my rosemary right now.

What’s going on in YOUR garden?
You heard about my battle with Japanese beetles, while I still see a few, they’re just about done and going underground. I’m going to be sprinkling granular GrubX soon. More information on JB here.
My husband woke up the other Sunday morning and decided to do some landscaping… well, okay. We’d talked about it earlier in the summer but got so busy.
The great part about doing it this time of year are the great deals you can get on perennials, shrubs and trees. I’ve noticed that my carpet roses and the ones in our downtown were not that great this year. I have more pictures on my Facebook page!