Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: More 2022 AAS Winners
I wanted to set the tone for this week with some 2022 All America Selection winners. Verbena Beats is an incredible new series of verbena that performs all summer long. The AAS Judges raved about how early ‘Purple+White’ flowers, making it a pollinator magnet from Spring to frost.

The 2 inch purple and white blooms maintain an attention-getting pattern and this 6 to 8 inch plant thrives even during severe heat stress. And bonus, it’s resistant to powdery mildew.
Another full sun darling is a new zinnia called ‘Queeny Lemon Peach’. Just wow. Lemon-yellow 2 to 4 inch blooms have a deep peach colored center.

The plant grows to 2 ft. and blooms summer to frost. You don’t even have to deadhead it, of course, you might want to bring some blooms indoors. It’s a great cutting flower too. It also tolerates heat.
From sun to shade this new Torenia will set off any plant. ‘Summery Love Pure White’ is another compact plant growing 7 to 8 inches tall and blooming from spring to frost.

What a beautiful edging plant. It’s also an F1 hybrid, meaning it is disease resistant. For the back of the border, this new 5 to 6 ft. sunflower is very unique. ‘Sunflower Concert Bell’ shows off multiple clusters of 10 to 12 flowers on an erect columnar stem. Tolerant to wind and heat, plant about 14 inches apart.