Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: New Proven Winner plants 2023
As we reach the end of 2022, we look forward to new plant introductions for 2023! Proven Winners is a brand comprised of leading plant propagators around the world. In North America, they are Four Star Greenhouse in Carleton, MI and Pleasant View Gardens in Loudon, NH.
Here’s a look at a few new Proven Winners perennials for 2023! They will be available at your local nurseries next year.
A new Astilbe is called ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ has rich deep chocolate brown leaves. The new leaves start yellow with a dark margin turning completely dark as they age.

Raspberry buds open to rosy purple flowers. Astilbes are long-lived perennials that are most comfortable when grown in rich soil and light shade to filtered sun. They will grow in full shade, but will not bloom as prolifically there. Though they are easy to grow, Astilbes have one critical requirement–lots of water. If you can’t keep them watered, then reconsider.

A new coneflower has a cute name, ‘One in a Melon’! The 5-5½” melon-colored flowers have matching melon cones.

The petals are held horizontally and overlap. The plant grows about 2 ft. tall with a 20 inch spread. ‘One in a Melon’ flowers in mid to late summer. Leave the seed heads for the birds.

And another zone 4 perennial is a Coral Bell, also known as heuchera, named ‘Frosted Berry’. Attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, the plant leaves are huge at 5-6” across. They are silver with charcoal veins. New leaves have a slight blush (or “frosting”) to them. It thrives in part shade.