Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Of poo and perennials
Oh boy, those warm temps we had made getting out in the garden very tempting. But be careful! Make sure you’re not mucking around in spongy soil. This is the snow next to our back porch! It slid off the roof of the sun porch….
I did cut back some perennials I’d left up for winter, at least the ones I could get to!

If you have the opportunity, meaning your landscape isn’t filled with snow or water, then grab the clippers and when you cut back the stems, leave 2 to 3 inches so that bunnies who come by to dine on those fresh greens might think twice if they realize they’ll get poked in the eye with a “relatively” sharp stick!

Unfortunately when the city fixes our roads this summer, I’m going to have to remove this bed and place it elsewhere….
And what’s yet to be done….

- This is a good time to add organic matter to your beds. I add to my vegetable garden every year. I tried horse manure once… frankly I won’t do that again. It’s a whole other story that includes rocks and flies and eventually digging it out. Be careful WHERE you get any manure and make darn sure it’s been processed.
- I don’t till every year either, just lay your compost right on top. Studies have shown that we compact our soil when we till too much. It breaks down the soil taking out the air pockets.
- I had a soil test done last Fall and found that I needed more organic matter and also nitrogen. Amounts of nitrogen in animal manure vary, cow manure is best.
- Other options include Creekside Soils mix of Composted Cow Manure.
- Remember to be very careful if you’re raking your lawn, those roots are delicate during this time of year and if you’re too rough, you could further damage your lawn.