
Thu. Jun. 24, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Hummingbirds

The little garden jewel, the hummingbird, the bestower of Joy…

Hummingbirds have long been a part of traditional western cultures.  They represent joy and tenacity.   The hummingbird’s wing movement, which uses the up stroke as well as the down stroke for power,  appears to be the sign for infinity.  They also symbolize eternity.   In Caribbean cultures, it is believed that hummingbirds represent those we love who have passed on.  So if you see a hummingbird, perhaps that’s  … [Continue reading]

Weeds in the vegetable garden

Wed. Jun. 23, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min Garden Bite radio show: Weeds in the vegetable garden

The heat wave those of us in the Upper Midwest have experienced has been mostly okay for our tomatoes, peppers and herbs (so long as we watered them).

But that means it’s been pretty good for the weeds too!

I just weeded yesterday! HA!

Lightly cultivating is a way to get those annual weeds but the perennial weeds are more industrious, their roots tend to break off underground and just make more! Hand  … [Continue reading]

Diagnosing Plant Problems

Tue. Jun. 22, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Diagnosing plant problems

Why do my leaves lay over?  How come they’re yellow? What are those holes in the leaves? My plant just doesn’t look healthy, what’s wrong?  UGH, I think the toughest part of gardening is trying to figure out why a plant isn’t thriving!  Sometimes it’s easy, like the photo below:

Sometimes, it’s not easy at all and could be a number of ailments at one time. Is it an insect, is it a disease, are  … [Continue reading]

When flowers fade, the foliage flashes!

Mon. Jun. 21, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: When flowers fade, the foliage flashes

A gardener can hardly help themselves to love flowers but foliage really lends color and texture that is capable of showing off flowers then becoming the show itself.

And sometimes, in the case of coleus in a container, clearly it’s kickin’ it from the get-go.

Other amazing foliage plants include caladiums, perfect for part shade.

They are annuals for us, but worth every penny. I told you about the ‘Heart to  … [Continue reading]

Summer solstice is Sunday

Fri. Jun. 18, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Summer solstice is Sunday

The Summer Solstice arrives on Father’s Day this year. The “official” start of summer… although in my area that heat’s been turned on for weeks. Outside heat, that is. Temperatures soaring past the 90’s and we’re already looking at a drought.

Cultures have celebrated this day in a variety of ways, mostly centering around fertility and/or religion. Ancient Greeks celebrated the God of Agriculture, Cronus.   (I would have put a picture up but, frankly,  … [Continue reading]

Garlic Mustard, an invasive with value?

Thu. Jun. 17, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Garlic Mustard, an invasive with value?

Garlic mustard, a weed or an herb? Or both? Garlic mustard was first introduced as a garden herb but escaped and has been causing problems ever since.

An herbaceous plant, it takes two years to reach maturity. The chemicals in garlic mustard reduce the growth of neighboring plants, so when it’s introduced to a site it can quickly outcompete native understory vegetation. It can thrive in fully intact forests. No good  … [Continue reading]

Weeds away! Using ground covers

Wed. Jun. 16, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Weeds away! Using ground covers

 Weeds a problem? Likely.. They are in my landscape.

But ground covers come to the rescue! 

Ground covers can also enhance soil health, provide food and habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects, and reduce soil erosion.

The University of Minnesota Extension has a great article “Ground Covers for Gardens”. There’s a list of ground covers in the article.

As many of you know, I have a new rain garden, however, there’s  … [Continue reading]

What the heck is mycorrhizae?

Tue. Jun. 15, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: What the heck is mycorrhizae?

It’s the fungi with the funny name. Mycorrhizae fungi have a symbiotic relationship with the roots of many plants. Mycorrhizae play an important role in plant nutrition.

The fungus, because it does not photosynthesize, cannot fix its own carbon. Consequently, it receives all of its necessary carbohydrates from the host plant. In return, the mycorrhiza absorbs nutrients from the soil which are passed along to the plant. Cool, huh!

In most situations, the  … [Continue reading]

Watering tips for your lawn

Mon. Jun. 14, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Watering tips for your lawn

We’ve had weather to melt the best of us! AND those who love lawns are looking at some brown, crunchy stuff already. New sod was laid last last year after the city redid my street… (rain garden in the background)

I admit I have a hard time wasting water on a lawn, but this looks bad. I’ve started to water it!

The University of MN Extension has some great ideas to train your  … [Continue reading]

Plant sales – what to look for

Fri. Jun. 11, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Plant sales – what to look for

Soon, if not already, there are plant sales. Although this year is different with the continued garden explosion, the choices may not be as prevalent as previous years.

Still, you want to be smart about what you buy. I have some tips for you as you shop…

Here are some tips for touring the plant sales:

  • buy healthy stock
  • check the roots, if you can.  Pull the plant, gently, out of
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