Ants are not social distancing

Wed. Jun. 3, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Ants are not social distancing

 If there’s one creature I really wish would social distance it’s ANTS. Holy cow have they come out in abundance this year.

They’ve already lifted several of my plants right out of the soil including a beautiful grass that is in danger.

 I tried the non-toxic diatomaceous earth, a fine white powder that sticks to their bodies and dries them out. It killed some and sent the rest of them fleeing. No  … [Continue reading]

Quackgrass and your garden bed

Tue. Jun. 2, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Quackgrass and your garden bed

A friend of mine asked me about getting rid of quackgrass in the garden. So I did some research, turns out the best defense is not to have any to begin with. Uh, too late!

Yes, I said quacking… this is a nasty infestation of quackgrass. It COULD have come from a plant you brought home and inadvertently tucked into your garden.  A little more information from the University of MN on quackgrass … [Continue reading]

Amid a pandemic, a garden explosion

Mon. Jun. 1, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Amid a pandemic, a garden explosion

I visited a few local garden centers last weekend to buy my tomato and pepper plants. They were all nearly sold out! The employees said many folks bought too early, even when they were encouraged to be careful with those plants, the new vegetable gardeners had to restock after planting them and not covering their tender little leaves.

First thing I’ll say to that is, don’t get discouraged!!! No one thought we’d  … [Continue reading]

Roses take over

Fri. May. 29, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Roses take over

If you’ve been listening to me, you know I’m not fond of fussy plants. Roses were in that category for quite some time until I learned more!

I love my carpet roses. For gorgeous bloom all summer, they deliver year after year.

 I also have Easy Elegance roses from Bailey Nursery that have delivered for 6 years.

My favorite magazine, Northern Gardener, has a fantastic article on roses for those of us in cold  … [Continue reading]

Ode to Creeping Charlie

Thu. May. 28, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Ode to Creeping Charlie

Creeping Charlie ever present in our lawns will be, blooming purple flowers, oh so pretty to me.

Ode to the weed that creepingly reseeds with stem and rhizome. Not content to stay in place, Creeping Charlie, sets a pace to cross your lawn, it’s a race.

Embrace the creeper or let loose on the leaper?

Creeping Charlie really doesn’t spread as quickly as, say the dandelion, but it is annoying to those with lovely  … [Continue reading]

Rabbits – of romance and rage

Wed. May. 27, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Rabbits – of romance and rage

Bunnies, the bane of gardeners everywhere!

They have a voracious appetite for fresh vegetation which they cut clean off.  They’re also voracious at something else which makes them capable of producing up to 18 baby bunnies a year!  The best defense is not giving them a homestead! I had a family of bunnies living under my raised porch… I put some hardwire cloth where I could and then used my barberry and

 … [Continue reading]

Trees: Take 2

Tue. May. 26, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Trees: Take 2

So often folks find a tree they like and then everyone plants it and then that’s all you see.  And then they get taken out by disease and our boulevards are naked.  Planting diverse species is the best way to protect them all.  That said, here’s a look at more of the dirty dozen trees my favorite arborist, Faith Appelquist of Treequality warns against.

To quote Faith, “Japanese tree lilacs are a one-season wonder”.  Her  … [Continue reading]

In memory – Memorial Day and the Poppy

Mon. May. 25, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: In memory – Memorial Day and the Poppy

Garden Bite would like to thank all those who serve in the United States Military and their families.  We honor those who gave everything.

Today is the day we reflect and remember our Soldiers.  Memorial Day, which is celebrated every year on the final Monday of May was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union andConfederate soldiers who died.   … [Continue reading]

Container planting

Fri. May. 22, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Container planting

Hey there Garden peeps, I know SO many people who, in the season of Covid-19, have been upping their garden game and bought a lot of annuals!

And then they had to be covered! That’s okay, I hope they all made it. I’ve not purchased any annuals as of this writing (May 17) because I saw the forecast!  However, this weekend is gonna be fun!

I created a video on Container plants with tips on root  … [Continue reading]

Tomato and pepper planting

Thu. May. 21, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Tomato and pepper planting

I know a lot of folks have already planted tomatoes. We then had a record cold of 26 degrees! BRRRRR……..  while it didn’t last, that did NOT make the tomato plants happy. Peppers like it even warmer.

The ground temperature should be at least 60 degrees for tomatoes and warmer for peppers. There are plenty of soil temp gauges out there, it’s worth your while to pick one up. When planting, be sure to  … [Continue reading]