Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Pretty poppies and peonies for Fall planting
We’ve talked about Fall planting of trees, shrubs and daylilies. There are plenty more perennials including pretty poppies and peonies that dig Fall planting! Poppies explode in June.

Their ruffled, shimmering petals pack a colorful punch. Plant in groups in a sunny, well-drained position and match them with summer bloomers or annuals that spread out and will conceal their early dormancy. They grow to about 2.5 ft. Although the foliage can be quite pretty too!

It’s important to note that these are oriental poppies that grow in cold zones.
Want high drama? Choose ‘Beauty of Livermere’, deep red flowers with dark centers.

And check out ‘Turkenlouis’ – a brilliant orange poppy to add some real sunshine! And look at that fringe!!!!

There is also an annual American red poppy.

As for peonies, well, that list goes on! These perennials range from delicate singles to large and lush doubles, with shades from pure white to the deepest red. Plant them in full sun to part shade, pests aren’t a problem and they live for decades!
Planting in the Fall will “likely” mean blooms in the Spring. I unearthed mine and moved it last year and got no blooms this year BUT, I will in 2021! They’re a gorgeous deep red.

Plant with the eyes 2 inches below the surface of the soil with the eyes point upward. Fill in around the plant, water it deeply and wait until spring.
Here’s a link to my Planting Peonies Garden Bite! And a little something on Itoh Peonies.

‘Lemon Chiffon’ looks just like it sounds and is hardy to zone 3. It looks downright EDIBLE! It is a bit tougher to find as it’s a double peony and more rare.

‘Bowl of Plenty’ has huge unique looking deep rose flowers with a fluffy white center and hints of pale yellow.

Poppies make stunning cut flowers.