Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Ravishing radishes
When I was little mom used to slice radishes and salt them. I remember loading up the little round red bulbs from the grocery store with loads of salt to hide the bitter taste. Not so much anymore! Garden radishes offer far more flavor and many varieties…
For instance, black radishes have a horseradish (hot) flavor if eaten fresh but when cooked mellows to a nutty sweetness. ps these are not small…

Baker Creek Heirloom seeds – Rareseeds – they carry a wide selection of unusual radishes
Daikons are long white Japanese radishes that are wonderful in stir fry.

Care for a French breakfast radish? I was a bit skeptic on this one! Of course, slathering anything in melted butter is pretty darn good! has a recipe for an omelette using them.

Burpee is another source for rarer radish seeds. The Watermelon radish aka red meat radish come from China and is sweeter than most radishes.

And as for the Lime Radish I mentioned…. tough one to find seeds for! In fact, all I could fine were places to buy the radishes as produce. Specialty Produce
Radishes are very easy to grow and like cool weather. Plant in early Spring and again in late Summer.