Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Small space garden plants
Today it’s about small space gardening and tiny vegetables. It’s a thing, especially with so many new gardeners growing vegetables in pots. I have a small raised bed so I sometimes grow vegetables in containers.
A great cuke option is ‘Patio Snacker’ it’s the perfect size to plant in a 15 inch pot with a trellis for the 3 to 5 foot vines to grow on.

It’s fruits are 6 to 8 inches with non-bitter skin. And they mature in 50 days! For early planting sow loose leaf lettuce varieties. You can pack these into small spaces and have an abundance of leafy lettuce for your salads. Or maybe you’d like swiss chard, packed with phytonutrients, a rainbow!
Patio or cherry tomatoes are a great choice for small spaces. There’s a teeny tiny ‘Micro Tom’ cherry tomato growing to just about 8 inches tall!

The super productive little plants are completely enveloped in bright red, tasty 1 oz fruits. Tidy and tiny and adorable in a container. It matures in 60 days.
‘Bush Early Girl II’ is meatier yet very tasty and delivers in 54 days. It’s also disease resistant and determinate.

Most determinate varieties of tomatoes are the ticket for your small space.
Plant early growers like lettuce and radish with your tomatoes. They will be done when your tomatoes are taking off!
A tiny sweet pepper available by seed is called ‘Miniature Red Bell Organic’. Short stocky plants are covered with lovely 2″ long miniature bell peppers with an excellent fresh flavor, maturing in 90 days.

Also consider bush or dwarf type plants, such as bush beans.