Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Spring Equinox 2022
The Vernal Equinox is Sunday! The word vernal means ‘fresh’ or ‘new’ and is related to Spring.

Many a gardener lists Spring as their favorite season. The freshness of it, the hope it brings and the first time we get our hands in the soil again and smell the Earth!

Equinox means equal night. The Equinox doesn’t “officially” happen until 10:33 Sunday morning central time. I say we start celebrating now! I’m thinking happy dance… my neighbors are thinking “there she goes again!”.

Frost depths vary considerably so you need to keep that in mind and DO NOT dig in damp, soggy soil!
I know the urge is strong to get out in the yard and do SOMETHING, but working wet soil will pack soil particles tightly together leaving less room for air and water to penetrate. Two very important ingredients to plant production! Those dirt clods you create become hard as rocks and are nearly impossible to break up. If you compact your soil like that it takes years of adding organic matter to try to recreate the healthy soil your plants love.

Oh how I would love to cut those grasses and coneflowers back BUT it’s currently 7 degrees in my area. But next week (when you’ll be hearing this) it’s supposed to be near 60 degrees!
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What do YOU want to know about? What are you planting this year? Is there something new you’ll try? Share on my Garden Bite Facebook page your favorite spring flower.