Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Sprouting seeds
It has been a cold winter so far. Temps well below zero… brr. We’re missing our greens but we don’t have to. Where I work, one of our employees did a video on Sprouting seeds indoors. Watch the full video below.

What’s so cool is how EASY it is! Growing sprouts doesn’t require any soil, just water, air, and a little sunshine on the last day or two to develop chlorophyll. (Turns them green)
Sprouts are literally concentrated edibles of vitamins A, B complex, C and E, as well as minerals. AND they’re packed with protein. Hungry to try it?
If you have a pint or quart jar, coffee filters or cheese cloth and rubber bands plus the sprouting seeds and water and you’re good to go! It’s best to use seed that specifically says “Sprouting Seeds”.
Start with a clean, dry container and use filtered water to rinse the seeds twice a day.
- Use about a tablespoon of seeds in a pint jar, fill with the filtered water about ¾ full.
- Place your coffee filter on top secured with a rubber band.
- Let soak for about 12 hours on a counter without sun. This will swell the seeds and is the ONLY time you’ll leave the seeds in water.
- Now rinse them through a filter such as a small screen colander.
- For the next few days you rinse the sprouting seeds twice a day to prevent mold and fungus.
- It takes about 5 to 7 days depending on the type of seeds.
- Read the packet directions on your Sprouting Seed packs!
They need air circulation, that’s why you use a filter. Delicious on a sandwich as you see at the end of the video! PS, that really was Cindy’s lunch.