Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Succulents are hot
Succulents have found increasing popularity. It’s easy to see why. There are numerous options, some really beautiful.
Northern Gardener magazine has a great article on outdoor succulent gardens. Writer Eric Johnson has some great ideas. Indoors, succulents can suffer without enough light, but outdoors we can create some pretty awesome container gardens. Or place a few strategically in a fairy garden.
If you want something that you can bring indoors, then consider echeverias. Take a peek at this video, you can see a ton of succulents:
Shallow dish containers are best, succulents don’t have much for roots so need for anything deep. They do demand good drainage. I bought one for a fundraiser at Christmas and have lost one of the three in the container because I overwatered it. Yup, I did!

Add drainage holes to the container, use rocks or terra cotta shards to the bottom for more drainage. Use a potting mix specifically for succulents, it’s light. You can also include a slow release fertilizer.
Sedums are another succulent that works well and they often trail.

Crassulas are upright and make a focal point.

Sansevieria are great plants outdoors and winter indoors very well.

There are many shapes and textures as well as colors. It’s amazing the options that are available. I will add most of them have a steeper price but they make for an amazing focal point.