Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: The Jade plant
A friend of mine is moving and had a jade plant he couldn’t take with him, so he gave it to me! Thanks, Earl.

Having always wanted one, I was eager to learn more about caring for it.

Jade plants, also known as Lucky plant, are succulents. They prefer about 4 hours of sunlight, that means a south facing window. The afternoon sun of a west window may burn them.
Plant Jade in well-draining soil, a light mix such as a cactus blend is perfect for them. These plants are native to South Africa.

Let them dry out then water slowly and let the excess drain out. Good drainage is essential. Water less in winter, that could mean once a month. Check the soil!
Jade grow slowly. As houseplants they can grow to about 30 inches, when grown outdoors, they can reach over 5 ft. tall. But I’m in Minnesota so this new darling will NOT be outside!
Jade plants don’t mind being root bound so I may just leave mine new plant in it’s pot for the time being or not…
In fact, they’re better off a bit rootbound as there roots are small and shallow.

They could be overwhelmed with water and top heavy weight in a pot that’s too large for them. Jade plants are tough, though.

This plant’s stem really looks like the trunk of a tree and it’s fleshy leaves are so beautiful.
Note, I lost a few of the leaves – they break easily. I also planted it lower in the pot so the sides of the pot can help to support the heavier stems.