Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Those helpful hints and tips
I’m dreaming of the smell of roasting tomatoes, jalapenos and garlic wafting through the house.
This year, I’ve been disappointed with my tomatoes due to the slow start and I also used determinate plants, so they stopped producing. However, the flavor of the ‘Red Racer F1’, a 2018 AAS winner is very good.

I may have to supplement my tomato supply with Farmers market finds which will include some jalapenos! While I’ve forgotten this many times, I’ll warn you… wear gloves! Why do we forget those helpful hints from year to year until we’re reminded the hard way?

Other helpful hints… maybe you’ll remember too!
- wear gloves when chopping hot peppers OR make “darn” sure you don’t rub ANY part of your body until you’ve washed your hands thoroughly!
- when harvesting, have a wash basin or water source nearby to get the big chunks of dirt off before you go into the house
- have a sharp knife handy
- wear easy slip-off shoes so you’re not struggling with a basket of produce in your hands while opening the door to your home
- start a small veggie garden, you can always make it bigger but don’t overwhelm yourself
- Photograph your landscape. Take pictures of the things that worked and those that didn’t

- when digging holes for large plants, lay a tarp down nearby and toss the soil on that. You can drag it easily across the lawn and it doesn’t leave a mess. Below is a short video I did in 2013 for a show I hosted called Dig In Minnesota
And what the above looks like 5 years later!
Some other hints from my tv show Dig In Minnesota (circa 2013):
And my newest video, an introduction to Garden Bite…. a new one coming out today at noon!