Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Top 10 performing annuals of 2021
Each year, hundreds of annual flowers are on public display as part of the annual flower variety trial at the University of Minnesota Horticulture Display Garden in Morris, MN.

In 2021, they trialed over 500 varieties ranging from ageratum to lantana to petunias to salvia, representing plant breeding companies from around the world. The top 10 winners were just announced.
Angelonia ‘Angelissa™ Rose’, also known as a “Summer Snapdragon”. It grew 12 to 16 inches tall in partial sun to full sun, had outstanding rose flower color with bright green foliage throughout the entire summer.
While they are under observation, each plant is specifically planted in a carefully designed landscape garden bed. This allows visitors to take note of their favorite varieties under regional conditions.
Cultivars are grown from seed or are vegetatively propagated in their greenhouse, and later transplanted into the Horticulture Display Garden.

These plants are evaluated 5 times during the growing season and are rated on performance, color, vigor, uniformity of habit and flowering, flowering numbers relative to others, insect and disease resistance, and uniqueness.

That includes two begonias, an outstanding yellow Calibrochoa, ‘Bloomtastic Yellow’ that was a fan favorite as it was covered with attractive extra-large yellow flowers throughout the growing season.

More Gardens & Collections at the Display Gardens in Morris, MN.