Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Transporting your plant purchases
There’s nothing like wind to whip the moisture out of plants leaves! Motorcyclists and dogs may love it the wind in their hair/fur, but plants… not quite so much!

While a plant loves a new home out of a pot, it takes them time to adjust (just like most humans!). So they’re already a bit weakened, add the loss of moisture and being beat up by wind, and they’re a little traumatized. Here are some….
Tips to live by:
First, always buy healthy plants to begin with. Look it over carefully. Check for yellowed or spotted leaves, dead branches and overall health.
Smaller purchases may take longer to grow to the size you want but they will adjust to their new home much quicker, have a better chance of survival and are usually cheaper.
You’ve selected the best of the best, now you need to wrap it. Some local nurseries are very good about wrapping twine around new trees. I would suggest going further. If you have some old sheets or tarp, bring them with you.

Wrap each purchase with a layer of sheet or the tarp, secure with twine and make sure the trunk of the tree or shrub isn’t going to rub on anything when you go over bumps.
If you can’t plant right away, then store your new trees or shrubs in a shaded area and water enough to keep the roots and soil moist till you can get them planted.
PS – I wear a helmet!