Click on the link below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Tree talk with Treequality
Last year I had the opportunity to do a video with my Arborist friend, Faith Appelquist, of Treequality. We talk about issues with trees! It’s always important as you spend the dollars for something so important in your landscape. Check out the improvements just one year later………
My “former” sugar maple tree…

I thought it may have been struck by lightening but Faith pointed out that it was planted poorly. How could she tell? Partly because there is no root flare at the surface of the ground, the oblong decay is a sign and there is signs in the leaves that they’re not getting the nutrients they need. This tree was planted too deep. There’s one root flare, the other roots are girdling. This is another HUGE reminder to plant appropriately.

We moved on to my red maple, which I thought was fine but just needed a little pruning. That part’s true but Faith explains what the tree should look like and how to “raise the canopy” so the tall person mowing the lawn isn’t bumping their head every time they run the mower underneath! The good news is you can clearly see the great root flare!

The canopy should be closer to 8 feet up, it’s 5 feet right now! The lower branches are removed over time but at a younger age than mine is, so they’re more manageable. However, they can still be removed but the pruning cut is critical.

Faith pruned one fairly large branch to start raising the canopy. It’s easier to mow that way too! It’s important to just past the branch collar and you’ll see what she’s talking about in the video.

Look at how well it’s healing!
Watch the full video for more tips, including how to prune a crabapple to raise it’s canopy!

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