Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Trees are an investment – consider them carefully
Tree selection is a big deal, they’re an investment in dollars and time. There are lots of considerations, one of those is the mature size of the tree you select.

There are lots of considerations, one of those is the mature size of the tree you select. Oftentimes, homeowners don’t see the 4 ft. sapling they planted 4 feet from the foundation growing to 40 feet tall! That’s NOT a good thing.

So, plant for mature size. Elms are back and highly recommended by a tree expert friend of mine, are two cultivars. ‘New Harmony’, an American Elm and ‘Triumph’, which is a hybrid.

These are wonderful shade trees that grow quickly and offer plenty of beauty to boot!

Flowering crabapples are some of my favorite ornamentals. I have a list of disease-resistant varieties that will make you much happier. One of those is ‘Royal Raindrops’ which I have in my front yard…

and ‘Firebird’, which I just planted that was recommended by my local garden nursery, Knecht’s Nurseries and Landscaping. Always check locally!

Here is a list of disease resistant varieties and what they are resistant to! Disease resistant Crabapple Trees from JSchmidt&Son
Gingko biloba is a conical tree with fan shaped leaves that can grow to 80 ft. It’s not a shade tree but adds a beautiful dimension to your landscape. It prefers sun and sandier soils. There are several cultivars.

The Redbud ‘Minnesota strain’ is great for those of us in the Upper Midwest. If you don’t get the cold hardy variety, you could lose it. They need sun!

Minnesota Strain Redbuds are available as single stem trees and as multi-stem clumps, each form having its own special characteristics and both forms mature to about 20?-25? tall and wide.
PS, there are a couple of trees that are a NO from my Arborist friend, Faith…
Maple ‘Autumn blaze’ – she calls it Autumn disaster… and Silver Maples!