Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Wet feet, dry feet
We talk a lot about sun/shade conditions and soil types but one thing we don’t always check on when pursuing our favorite plants is whether they like dry feet or wet feet. Not every plant likes to be in a rain garden!
Siberian Iris are graceful yet tough perennials that thrive in average to damp soil, and they’ll form large clumps that bloom heavily after the first year. In fact, you’ll want to divide them about every 3 years!

A thirsty gorgeous shrub is Sambucus ‘Lemony Lace’. Hardy from zone 3 to 7, this chartreuse beauty will turn heads. Keep in mind, it doesn’t like herbicides of any kind.

An annual for the pond edge or in a container you can keep watered, try Cyperus Papyrus ‘King Tut’. It looks like a bunch of tall green sparklers!
For dry gardens you can’t hardly beat Russian Sage and there’s now a shorter variety called ‘Peek a Blue’.
Verbascum (comes in a variety of colors) and Lambs Ears are also wonderful perennials for sunny dry spots.

In the shade, check out Lamium. This plant will grow in up to full shade, with it’s variegated leaves it’ll brighten up a dark spot in the garden.