Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: What’s keeping birds from your backyard?
Everyone loves having birds come to their landscapes, but some may find they don’t get much action even if they put out birdseed. So what’s going on?

One listener asked me how she could attract hummingbirds, then mentioned she has two cats. Well, first, leave the cats in the house. They are predators, regardless of whether they hang out on your shoulder.

Many people don’t like insects in their yard, so they use chemicals. Well, birds LIKE insects but the chemicals will kill them. Birds might consume chemical granules, and chemicals can contaminate feeders, baths, or local water supplies. Even used properly, chemicals can eliminate resources birds need.
Bread scraps are equivalent to avian junk food. Just don’t. Feed them the best. Spike’s Feed, Seed & Pet Supply (you can purchase online) offers a wide range of locally produced seed.
Landscape fabric doesn’t allow birds to get at those nummy worms. Notice I said Nummy not gummi! While they don’t allow weeds, they don’t allow weeds to grow and feed birds either.

Use thick layers of wood mulch to at least allow an opportunity for worms and even a few weeds!

Birds would love to hang out at your place if you provide them with opportunities, not obstacles.
- Keep feeders and bird baths clean.
- Keep the feeders full but clean them out if the feed gets mold or bird poop all over it.